Saving for a holiday can be difficult, especially when you have so many other pressing financial obligations. However, by carefully budgeting for your vacation you can enjoy your time away without worrying about any excess debt on your return.Take a look at our top tips and prepare to pack your cases for a stress-free getaway.
Cash or credit
At first glance, it may seem the best way to pay for a holiday is with cash, but there are some pros to paying for your vacation on a credit card. By paying via credit card you have protection against certain factors such as travel companies canceling flights and accommodation, and you may be entitled to be reimbursed via the card company should these instances occur. If you are certain that you will pay your credit card bill on time, paying for your vacation in this manner means you can pay up front but spread the repayments at an affordable rate. The benefit of paying cash for your holiday is that you will have peace of mind that you will not be paying off a credit card on your return.
Set a budget
Should you have settled on paying for your vacation with cash, you will need to set a realistic budget. List all the elements that will need to be included such as, flights, accommodation, travel insurance, spending money, toiletries, holiday clothing, car hire and/or public transport costs. Be realistic and remember it is better to over-budget than underestimate the costs. An online budgeting tool such as Personal Capital can be extremely useful when keeping tabs on your savings and spending.
Choose how to save
Once your budget has been set, calculate how much money you will need to put aside per week in order to reach your goal. It may be easier to label containers for each requirement so you can see precisely what aspect of your holiday you are contributing to, or you may decide to aim for the total sum. If your vacation is in the distant future, it could be worth opening a specific savings account to accrue some interest. Check out sites such as Investing PR for up-to-date news on the best ways to invest and save when aiming for larger amounts of money.
Stay focused
It can be difficult to stay motivated towards saving when there are so many other things you would like to buy but stay focused on your goal. Visual reminders can be extremely effective so put pictures of your holiday destination in prominent places in the home, or even as your screen saver to keep you motivated. Watch the savings grow each time you contribute to the funds and enjoy seeing the amount increase. Set up your own online mood board, and if this is a family holiday, get them all involved contributing ideas, and you will all stay focused on your savings goal.
With these helpful tips, you will soon be on your way to saving for your dream trip - wherever that may be.
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