Healthy eating is easy if you are a celebrity like Victoria Beckham. You can afford to pay a personal chef to prepare healthy, nutritionally balanced meals. For the rest of us, it isn’t that easy and there is any number of obstacles stacked against us in our drive towards a healthy diet.
The Pressures of Modern Life
Working long hours, taking care of kids and partners, and having a social life: our generation tries to have it all and usually fails. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to shop for healthy ingredients, peruse cookbooks, plan meals, and prepare delicious dishes with just the right level of nutrients. The workplace is full of temptations: the biscuit tin in full view, the morning commute past the coffee shop that sells delicious cappuccinos and muffins, business lunches and ubiquitous vending machines stocked with snacks all play their part in sabotaging a healthy diet.
After-work activities don’t help either. If your job involves socializing with clients and colleagues in wine bars and restaurants, peer pressure will lead to unhealthy drinking and eating habits. “Just one glass of wine,” you murmur, but one glass leads to two, and then three, and before you know it your daily recommended calorie consumption is nine parts Merlot and one part bread sticks.
And then if you do make it home without succumbing to the lure of the dessert trolley or wine rack, you are too tired and hungry to cook a healthy meal, so you dial out for take-out instead. Two thousand calories later and it’s time for bed and the damage is done.
So how can we ensure we eat healthily and maintain a sensible weight whilst working long hours and managing a busy family?
Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Breakfast is very important. Skip it and you will snack on junk food and ruin the rest of the day. Have a bowl of oatmeal or some eggs for breakfast. This will keep your energy levels up until lunchtime.
Take a Packed Lunch
Always take a packed lunch to the office. That way you are in control of what you eat and a trip to McDonalds won’t scupper your healthy eating plan. Make a healthy salad pot or tuna salad sandwich on wholegrain bread. Add in some fruit and you’ll feel nice and full until home time.
Keep Energy Boosting Snacks in Your Desk
Keep some pots of dried fruit, nuts and seeds to snack on when your energy levels fall or you have to work later than expected. It’s better for you than a trip to the vending machine.
Plan Healthy Meals at Home
Eating on the run is never good. Instead, plan meals in advance and shop accordingly. Online shopping saves time if you are busy, plus you can repeat order favorite ingredients.
Joining a diet club will provide invaluable moral support on days when your motivation is slipping. Check Trim Down Club reviews or see if there are any weight loss support groups in your local area.
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