Not all women are gifted with slender physical make-up, some are born with slim structure, some stout, and some really are destined to bear with them some side excesses – like mine. Ah, I hate to admit it, but it's I think best to declare it's a problem to find some solution. Well, I know it would require much on me, time, resources etc. to get rid of these stupid, eye sore, mind bugling love handles, but sometimes you just can’t find a crack to scrap it out.
The sad part is that you can’t look as awesome, although at the back of your mind you say – ‘oh, who cares about pretty, bulge free abs when I got a lot around to attend to.’ But reality is that, there’s always this bell ringing on your ear - ‘if only I have that body’ – what now? I actually don’t know what will be the next phrase … but what I know is that most of the time – I find refuge on fashion camouflages like this.
(Image not mine)
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